A sad, but true, fact of the proposal business is that proposals are not always edited to ensure that they are grammatically correct, internally consistent, conform to the pre-established proposal Style Guide, and read as though the entire proposal was written by the...
3 Common Misconceptions To Avoid In The Proposal Development Process As a proposal manager who has assisted a number of small businesses to significantly increase their annual revenues through sound proposal management, I would like to pass on some words of wisdom...
The most vulnerable point in the business development continuum is the handoff from capture to proposal management. This transfer to the proposal team seems to fail often. But why is that? We see this time after time- the capture team creates a strong, defensible win...
We are often asked, sometimes too late, if the incumbent program manager should be assigned as the Capture and/or Proposal Manager for the recompete. I cannot emphasize my answer too strongly: No, No, No, and NO again. Capture Manager and Proposal Manager hats...
Like it or not, as a Proposal Manager your attitude is infectious. For better or worse, you set the tone that others see and internalize. Your attitude as Proposal Manager determines whether you lead or detract, motivate or dissipate, build up or tear down, energize...